In this webinar Simone van Dijk from Social Enterprise NL and Rob van den Dool from Yumeko will discuss the influencing role of social enterprises.
Many social enterprises aim to change their industry or the business community as a whole. They want to influence other businesses to act more sustainably, but how? Social Enterprise NL has conducted an important research on this influencing role, investigating in which ways social enterprises influence the broader business community to act more sustainably. Simone van Dijk from Social Enterprise NL will present the first findings of this research, that will be published soon after ImpactFest. Rob van den Dool, founder of social enterprise Yumeko, will contribute by telling Yumeko's story and explain how Yumeko aims to change the industry and bring about systemic change. The audience is invited to share their thoughts, questions or experiences with this topic.
29-10-2020 10:00 - 11:00
Hosted by: Social Enterprise NLMessages will be visible for table members and will NOT be shared on Facebook.